Frequently Asked Questions

Who would benefit from organising with the KonMari Method®?

  • Anyone who wants to make positive & lasting changes to simplify & organise their home.

  • Anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by clutter & wants to promote a calmer, simpler life. 

  • Anyone going through a life transition: moving home, experiencing a bereavement, a separation, down-sizing, renovating or expecting. 

  • Anyone who wants to feel the benefits of living lighter & to prevent their stuff becoming a burden on their family in years to come. 

  • Anyone who has started the process of de-cluttering but hasn’t got any further.

Why enlist the help of a KonMari® Consultant?

  • As a certified KonMari® Consultant, I have been trained by Marie Kondo & her team. I have spent hundreds of hours working on my own home & with a variety of different clients in varying houses, so I have an in-depth understanding of the method & how it applies to different people’s situations. 

  • We will work together to create a vision for your home & life.

  • I will support you in a non-judgemental, unbiased way, to help you through your tidying journey. 

  • I will help you to take action & be the accountability that you need to finally get the job done & stay on track.

  • My work with you will be tailored to you directly. I will help to customise a solution to suit you & help you find your ‘click point’.

  • By working with me, you will learn to tidy so you will be able to maintain a tidy & clutter free home beyond the Tidying Festival. 

  • If you find yourself reading & learning about tidying, but not putting it into action, you could be experiencing analysis paralysis! You may need some help from a professional to start actively tidying.  

What is the difference between a traditional organiser & a KonMari® Consultant?

Many traditional organisers go into a client’s space & tidy for them, often working alone in a particular room to make a space look organised. This can result in the client needing constant support to keep on top of the clutter.

A KonMari® Consultant works with their client, 1 on 1, so the client is involved in the entire process & is present every step of the way. All decisions are made by you. The KonMari Method® teaches you how to tidy & to tune yourself into joy so that you are able to continue maintenance by yourself after completing the process.  You can learn how to become organised.

What is a KonMari Tidying Festival, how long does the process take & how many tidying lessons will I need?

The KonMari® Tidying Festival is a one time life event that deals with all the items that you own.  It is designed to be completed all at once, in a short space of time - ideally in under 6 months.

Tidying lessons are usually 5 hours in duration. 

How long each category takes & how many lessons are required is dependent on the number of items you have, how swiftly you are able to choose what to keep & how much homework you are willing to do in between lessons. This always varies from client to client. 

Completing the Tidying Festival involves working through all the Categories, in order: Clothes, Books, Papers, Komono (Miscellaneous) & Sentimental. 

I would always recommend completing the Tidying Festival in it’s entirety to help prevent re-bound, however, I am more than happy to discuss your needs if you only wish to work through single categories. 

Please be aware that we can ONLY deal with items that belong to you, the client. We do not tidy or organise items that belong to other members of your household. However, tidying is contagious! Once you have started your own Tidying Festival & felt the benefits of organising using the KonMari Method®, others may feel inspired to begin their own journey.

Can I just de-clutter my wardrobe or work on a single category?

Yes! Clothes is always the first category & can have a huge impact. I would be delighted to work with you on this category alone, if you feel that you would just like to work in this area.

I would always recommend completing all 5 categories in their entirety to help prevent re-bound, however, I am more than happy to discuss your needs if you only wish to work through single categories. 

Will you take my items that I choose to discard?

The focus is on choosing what to keep, rather than what to discard, but you will inevitably decide to let some things go through the process.

Once you have established these items, you will need to find them a new home. 

I do not provide a removal service as I believe that discarding your items yourself helps to complete the journey of ownership.  Part of the process is undertaking this responsibility for you to truly understand the cost of clutter. 

I am passionate about keeping stuff out of landfill & will work with you to help you find ways to responsibly pass on the items that you choose to discard. 

When you are conscious of what you consume, you’re less likely to produce waste & convert back to clutter. 

What area do you cover?

I am based in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire & offer a professional de-cluttering & organising service in homes in the local area.

This usually covers Seer Green & Jordans, Beaconsfield, Penn & Tylers Green, Gerrards Cross, Amersham, Chalfont St. Giles, Chalfont St. Peter, Bourne End & the surrounding Bucks area.

However, please get in touch if you wish to discuss other locations further afield.