About Me


Me & Marie Kondo

Lime so glad you’re here!

I’m Natalie, a Wonder Woman loving, child of the 80’s. I dig neon, dancing, singing & all things Disney… I have a lifetime love of handbags & adore fitness, which is lucky as I also have a baking habit!

I’m a wife & a mum of 2 (3 if you include the fur baby). I love organising. Always have, always will. I won the ‘Tidiness Cup’ at Primary school! 

As an army wife I got into a really negative habit of accumulating stuff every time we moved home. I had an endless supply of ‘just in case’ items & with my husband working away so much I used shopping as an emotional crutch.

In 2014 I stumbled across an article by Joshua Becker from ‘Becoming Minimalist’ & it sparked something inside me. I suddenly realised how overwhelmed I felt by the sheer volume of stuff we had - stored in the garage, the attic, the shed.  It was all organised & labelled, but there was so much of it!

Maybe the life you’ve always wanted to live is buried under everything you own.
— Joshua Becker

It resonated as I was a mum of young children & yet found myself forever dealing with things. I wanted to be spending time with my family doing activities that made my heart sing. Lightbulb moment -the stuff was not making me happy. We let go of 70% of our things.

A year later, I read ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo. I read it in a day & I LOVED it. Someone else in the world loved tidying & organising as much me!


Me on Aerial silks. This sparks all the joy for me.

Whilst I had let go of a lot of things through minimalism, I loved Marie’s philosophy of focusing on what sparks joy & surrounding yourself with what you love. It was reassuring that there was no right measure of what to keep or discard. (Handbag anyone?!). The method focuses on joy & what adds value to your life.  It allowed me to create a home that was full of inspiration & intentional items, & tune in to what joy meant for me.

You initially deal with your belongings, but it has a profound effect on your life in every aspect. The process of organising allows you to confront yourself. Once you have dealt with your physical belongings, you see your inner state more clearly & can reflect on what truly brings you joy. 

I believe in the KonMari Method® & am passionate about helping people use it. I am ready to support you through your tidying journey & help you curate a life of joy & zest!